Connect Lessons.Church to Sign Presenter
Lessons.Church is a time saving, amazing way to schedule completely open source free curriculum. has made it easy to use their service on Sign Presenter. The advantages of this setup are as follows:
- Set up takes just a few minutes and everything you schedule on will auto fill into the playlist. This means your week to week playlist is pre-set and ready to go with the click of a few buttons.
- You can easily add any media including other automatic feeds like Digtal Felt, Big Big Worship, and Yancy’s music inside of Sign Presenter. This means you can have your entire curriculum, games, and music auto updating every week with very little effort at all. In fact you could schedule an entire year in less than 30 min.
- It just works. At Sign Presenter we are available to help you anytime. If you are stuck, call us @ 918-994-2638 and we will help you get setup.
Create an account on Lessons.Church.
Click on login
Click Register.
Enter Your Correct Information and click Register.
Check your email (click on set password).
Set a password and click Login.
Select your Church. If you do not have a church profile make one now.
You will be lead to this page (click on
Now on you will your name in the top right hand corner.
Click on Schedules.
Add a classroom.
Click on the classroom name you just created.
Add a Schedule.
Fill in the date / Program / Study / Lesson / and Venue you would like to use and click save.
Next click subscribe.
Click here to show the url to be used in SignPresenter.
Copy the Url to your clipboard.
Now open a new tab in your browser. Open, login and click on playlist
Click Horizontal.
Click External Feed.
Enter a good name for this playlist. Click Save.
Make a second horizontal playlist.
This time use the button at the top (Create a new Custom Playlist).
On the right side click on playlist.
Find the playlist you just made.
If you want to customize the playlist click on the small gear icon. A practical use for this is adding your own worship in between slides.
On the right side, you can set the playlist to play ony certain parts. For this example we will skip the big verse slide every week.
Then we add the same playlist again playing only 5-8 (click save).
Next we need to add this playlist to your screen. (click on screens)
You can set your screen to run both digtal signage and slideshows.
Next lets add the correct playlist to the each the manual playlist and the the scheduled playlist.
Click Save and go test it out in the classroom!!