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Build your own 3 Zone display in landscape or horizontal mode with SignPresenter

3 Zone Templates are great for professional looking digtal signage! This quick tutorial shows you how easy it is to accomplish with Sign Presenter. The video below shows how easy they are to create in SignPresenter.

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Dimminsions for different types of messages.

16:9/ 1920 x 1080

9:16/ 1080 X 1920

4:1 / 1280 X 320

How to Build a Three Zone Display

  1. Before you begin, you’ll need to create a 4x1 image.
  1. To Create a 4x1 image playlist
    • Select the Step 2: Playlist tab in the middle of the screen.
    • Select More option and select 4:1 (For Three Zone Template)
    • Select Create a New Custom Playlist or select a template.
    • Assign a name for your playlist.
    • Select your images from the Available Content Box on the right-hand side of the screen, then click Save.
  2. To Create the Three Zone Template Display
    • Select the Step 1: Message tab on the left-hand corner of the screen.
    • Select either the Horizontal or Vertical.
    • Select All Designs and select Three Zone from the open drop-down.
    • Assign the template a category and a name. Three Zone allows multiple ratios: 16:9, 9:16, 4:1. Vertical images can be displayed to the left or the right, and horizontal images can be at the top or the bottom.
    • Select the ratio and select +New to add a new playlist or message under the assigned ratio and click Update until all three ratios have an assigned playlist or message.

* Vertical Three Zone images can be added by following the same steps after choosing the vertical option from the main Message tab.